Web Developer / Software Engineer

Nolan Dyke

Software Developer


Welcome to my powder blue corner of the internet. I'm a full stack developer, traveler, and nerd based in Denver, CO.

I am currently an associate software developer working for Infosys and living in Denver, Colorado. I am certified in the full Microsoft stack including the Entity Framework, ASP.NET MVC, and Microsoft SQL Server. Additionally, I hold my AZ-900 certification in Microsoft Azure.

In addition to working with the Microsoft stack and C#, I have experience working with Java, JavaScript and React, Ruby and Rails, and Python. I have built full stack web applications and enterprise applications. I have worked with relational databases and Microsoft cloud services.

I'm an avid learner and lover of beautiful design. My passions have taken me from studying biochemistry and molecular biology to teaching English in Taiwan & China to developing useful and beautiful apps.

I have a zeal for diving into new technologies, a drive to improve the code that I write, and I care deeply about using my skills to make a positive impact.
